Making a WebTV Chat
From the Ground Up
I am sorry I haven't been able to add anything to these pages lately. I have been busy setting up my new server and my domain hosting and web design services. I now have access to cgi and am about to write some new chats. Check back a little later to see whats new.
I have added a new feature to my sample chats. You can now edit them right there at the page and you can see what your edits will do. Once you are through editing you can copy the edited script and paste it to your page. It's cool. check it out
I am trying to add to this tutorial and make it a little simpler to follow while still helping to explain how it all works. You will need to know a little html but if you read the following pages, you should be on your way to making your own chat. Below I have a list of the various pages and a summary of what the pages contain. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to e-mail me or come on over and post your question at
. I'm not there much these days but someone there may be able to answer your questions.
Good luck!!
- The Most Humble Dump
Here I start you off by explaining the most basic things about the WebTV Chat, and I have an example of the simplest chat I have ever seen
- Adding to it
Here I explain how to write a "pop up" function and a whisper panel. And I have an example of the improved chat with the pop up
Adding /msg's and pop up prompts
This page explains how to write "/msg box" function and a function which will prompt you to type in a nick so you can add someones name to the pop up message. And it has a copy of
the improved chat
Adding a room change, frames and aesthetics
I tell how to put my "formgo" room change function in frames here. Using my "formgo" function in frames allows you to change rooms without reloading the page. This page also tells how to make your message inputs and buttons look a little better. And, of course the
improved chat
Welcome message, time, "no-dump" messages and more
Here you will learn to how to add a message that goes on the screen as the user loads the page. I also have explaination on how to make a "message box" which will keep the text in the form after you send the message(I call them "no-dump messages"). You can also learn to put in a function which will tell you the time.
The improved chat