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Welcome to the Beginning
of Freedom Chat-Links
Your Alternative Chat Links Page
Many of these IrC's are all ready to go to servers other than TalkCity !
After you're through here, check out
Mimer's IRC's
The Chat Thing!!
The Chat Thing can be transformed in many ways... and now you can save your setup and your favorite server and room so that it will automatically setup the way you like it and connect you to your favorite room on any server..You've got to check out my mailer...
NOL's Sites
Visit BourbonStreet on Alternative Servers!!
A-Herm Irc**NEW**
Alxia's Chat
Armageddon IRc
Zuh Net
Baddboy's Funky Chat**NEW**
Badbboy1's SexHouse
Come on over and Relax!
Adults ONLY**
Big beautiful women chat**NEW**
Talk about buffalos! LOL or Buffalo, NY or??
Check it out!
Alternative servers!
Bob_38's House of Sex
18 or older only!!Zuh net!!
Bud's IRC
Friendly Chat
Candystryper's Candystore
You gotta love it. hehehe
Chat-Man's SEXY Irc's
Alternative Servers & Irc choices here !!
Chat-Man has removed his Xworld Irc's to Zuh!!
Great New Chat!!
Cia2nite's IRC's
Crazy Joe's irc
CrookedArrow's House of Chat
Cyberspace -the Final Frontier
Star-Trek chat
Dale & Pats Asylum irc`s**New**
Darksithlords Jedi_chat
Donna3's IRC
EliTe83 IRC By:SpiTFiRe45
Alternative server
EmaleFlirt's IRC
Flirty IRC with lots of popups, etc..
Entrance's IRC
Upgrade compatible with lots of popups, EZTalk for WebTV, Blackjack, Mailers, Music and more!!!!
G.B.'s Chat
Ghetto-Superstar IRC
GregMaster5's Red Spice
Open, intelligent, spicy chat and data exchange :-)
The Holy
Temple **NEW**
This is a room for fellowship Bible studies
Perfect Darks Profile Irc***NEW***
JD's Crazy Life IRC***NEW***
IRC 4 Dummies
Isee4bro IRC
Jarhead IRC
JAY1968 & Sweetness68's Chat IRC.
Kasp3r's Irc's
Latino Chat - El Amor IRC 2
This is a GREAT spanish speaking chat.
It's a busy room, lots of Spanish being spoken.
You'll need to be fluent in Español that is one thing for sure!
MainMans Chats
Mari-Baby's Blessed Be IRC
MajicEyes IRC
Paranormal Chat here!
MariBaby's IRC
MariBaby has this one going to Zuh net!
Check out her pop ups!
Marilyyn's Chat
Friendly Chat
M0rningStarr's 2nd IRC
Native American Chat
Tinks NeverNeverLand IRC
NipLets HouseChat
Oracle And Ace's Sexy Chat On Asylumnet*NEW*
Outrage69's Live Cam Chat
Pibb187'z Ballin' IRC
PinkPussy Chat
WARNING..As you may have guessed, it's adult in nature.
I think you may be seeing more of these...
Prodigal_Son's Chat Index
Feel free to copy these
RichieRich's Party Chat
Rik & Nik's KoOlChAt
This one has 7 Servers!!!
SSS23333's PunkAss Irc
Steve & Gina's CyberCity Zuh IRC
Zuh Net
TBooB Chat
The Playhouse
Zuh Net
#Playland Home Page
Chat for adults who like to play
There are 7 chats here!
StrateUp Irc
Check out the Popups!!
*Take it anywhere-Server Friendly*
**Adults Only*!!
IRC by SKwinklet**NEW***
Skwinklet IRC © ***NEW"**
Vampyre's IRC
Check out the DarkSide on X world
Vegas Chat
Venture's Irc
"Alternative Server Choices!"
Vet's Upgrade IrC
War_Machine_'s Chat
Whisper's WebTv Chat
Alternative Servers
Yoshi's Chat-O-Rama
Z' s Chats
Lots of cool Links!
190d's IRC
Friendly Chat
Have fun and remember send your Chat to FreedomChat~Links!
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